Getting Started
With Finance
Use your money to create the life you want
This package is a six part series of financial coaching sessions that will empower you to make positive changes with your finances and set you up to create the life you want to live.
Sessions are highly personalized, based on your needs and can be adapted to suit your timeline. The basic format follows this trajectory:
1. Knowing what's possible
2. Tracking your income and expenses
3. Values and goal setting
4. Making systemic changes
5. Creating an investment plan
6. Setting your plan in motion
You will also receive:
Your projected FI number and timeline
An expense tracking spreadsheet
Goal setting exercises
Links to other useful web-based resources based on your unique situation
Once you have purchased the 2,250 AED (~$625) package, each 30 minute session can be scheduled as an in-person or online appointment as suits your availability.
What's Possible
You can't make realistic financial goals unless you know how your money can work for you. In our first session we will review the basics of personal finance to fill in any gaps in your knowledge. After this session you should have a clear idea of what you could achieve with your finances.
Tracking Income and Expenses
This session is all about data collection. You will need to have accurate data for a year in order to make a solid financial plan. I will show you several tools you can use to make this process easier. Eventually, expense tracking will become a routine part of your life.
Values and Goal Setting
It's easy to work towards what you feel you should want. This session is about figuring out what you actually want for your life. We will work together to define your personal values, so that you can make financial goals that align with them. Working in alignment with your values motivates you to follow through with your plan while feeling confident and grounded with your decisions.
Making Systemic Changes
Now that you have data on your income and expenses and you know your goals, we will analyze how well your expenditures line up with your values. Aligning your money with your values feels good. By making systemic changes to your expenditures you will find that it only takes a few choices to make a large impact. This process will leave you feeling empowered and in control of your present and future.
Creating an Investment Plan
Using your income and expense data, as well as your personally defined goals, you will create your own investment plan. I will help you understand the historic market data, the power of diversification, the effect of currency, and the basics of how investments are taxed. We will discuss the fundamentals of asset allocation so you can make an evidence based plan that you trust.
Setting Your Plan in Motion
Once you have your plan I'll guide you through getting your brokerage account set up, transferring money, and making your first trade. I'll walk you through these steps so that you can feel confident as you begin your investing journey, following your plan, to create the life that you want.